1. Everything goes better with a smiley face. And the sincere, heart felt love of bombing and killing really makes this illustration truly American.

  2. Whether deliberate or no, the bomb above bears an uncanny resemblance to «Fat Man», the atom bomb dropped over Nagasaki on 9 August 1945 (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c2/Fat_man.jpg). Wonder if a smiley was painted on its side, and in that case, if the 60-80 thousand who died as the immediate result of the attack appreciated the gesture….


    1. That little event over Nagasaki? That was just the American perpetrators suffering from PTSD – Psychopathic Theocrats Showcasing Democracy. The US has always believed that you need to break a few hundred thousand humans in order to make a world safe for corporations.

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