1. Congressmen prefer blondes. I love it!
    PS: invited you to join Ello the other day in a Herzog moment. Hope you don’t mind …

  2. You’re a creep…hahaha! Well, at least you made Rosie feel something. That makes for great art. And this piece, as disturbing as it is, is just more truth to power that the sheople of this great blood thirsty nation, don’t want to face. Keep creepin’!

    1. Thanks for the link. And yes, Mr. Cheney there may very well be another mass attack somewhere in the US in the next decade, just as soon as you and your minions of evil plan one.

  3. La soupe du jour – today and everyday, since (at least) 1947….


  4. You are such a creep!

  5. Now that’s a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate if I ever saw one, complete with blood-drenched slip… Happy Fucking Birthday, Mr. President!

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