Although I have been having “bad thoughts” about what I have termed “the internet left” as of late, I found this particular article published on Dissident Voice to be marginally edifying (I am trying to sound smart) if only because it quite correctly in my view, makes some headway into clarifying just what the fuck Sheldon Wolin may have meant when he coined the baffling term “inverted totalitarianism”.
“The Resistible Rise of Global Fascism
by Kieran Kelly”
One of the main reasons I have been disappointed with the internet left as of late is that they take the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) reports seriously, which I would liken to taking a figure such as Eugene Robinson’s political analysis (as a whole) as informed and credible.
Everyone keeps talking about goals for the year 2050 and such. Well folks, I hate to break it to you, but we will all be dead long before 2050 and almost certainly (1% being the almost / 99% being the certainly) by 2030. I give it 50/50 that we will make it through the next year or so.
“If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner.” ─ H.L. Mencken
The two major corporate political parties in the US (unfortunately) represent the will of the American people. Our national mythology is the glorified self-made individual attaining the top of the wealth and power trash heap, which supposedly equates with freedom. At the expense of anyone and anything else. 21st century USA is the perfect melding of Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984. Americans deserve hollow “leaders” like Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton – the rest of the world, not so much.
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” ─ H.L. Mencken
On the other hand, Dwayne, in a so-called «representative democracy», shouldn’t dimwitted mythologies shared by large sections of the population find representation in the highest organs of government ? Of course, exaggerating and exacerbating the situation be attempting to restrict the franchise to those who are likely to hold such views is probably not the very best way to run a country….
To my mind,, the real problem is that while you people are entitled to whatever government you choose, we in the rest of the world are forced to suffer from the consequences of your choices. The UNO Security Council is the result of an attempt to mitigate this problem, but as we know, when the US government doesn’t get its way there, it simply ignores the Council, whole castigating the «obstructions» of others, who don’t find that dimwitted mythology quite so compelling….
Although I have been having “bad thoughts” about what I have termed “the internet left” as of late, I found this particular article published on Dissident Voice to be marginally edifying (I am trying to sound smart) if only because it quite correctly in my view, makes some headway into clarifying just what the fuck Sheldon Wolin may have meant when he coined the baffling term “inverted totalitarianism”.
“The Resistible Rise of Global Fascism
by Kieran Kelly”
One of the main reasons I have been disappointed with the internet left as of late is that they take the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) reports seriously, which I would liken to taking a figure such as Eugene Robinson’s political analysis (as a whole) as informed and credible.
Everyone keeps talking about goals for the year 2050 and such. Well folks, I hate to break it to you, but we will all be dead long before 2050 and almost certainly (1% being the almost / 99% being the certainly) by 2030. I give it 50/50 that we will make it through the next year or so.
“If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner.” ─ H.L. Mencken
The two major corporate political parties in the US (unfortunately) represent the will of the American people. Our national mythology is the glorified self-made individual attaining the top of the wealth and power trash heap, which supposedly equates with freedom. At the expense of anyone and anything else. 21st century USA is the perfect melding of Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984. Americans deserve hollow “leaders” like Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton – the rest of the world, not so much.
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” ─ H.L. Mencken
On the other hand, Dwayne, in a so-called «representative democracy», shouldn’t dimwitted mythologies shared by large sections of the population find representation in the highest organs of government ? Of course, exaggerating and exacerbating the situation be attempting to restrict the franchise to those who are likely to hold such views is probably not the very best way to run a country….
To my mind,, the real problem is that while you people are entitled to whatever government you choose, we in the rest of the world are forced to suffer from the consequences of your choices. The UNO Security Council is the result of an attempt to mitigate this problem, but as we know, when the US government doesn’t get its way there, it simply ignores the Council, whole castigating the «obstructions» of others, who don’t find that dimwitted mythology quite so compelling….