“The greatest purveyor of violence in the world : My own Government, I can not be Silent.” —Martin Luther King Jr.
It’s absurd to think that attitudes of the general population can be magically altered merely by crossing imaginary lines drawn by States, their borders usually established by bloody conflict.
Americans are violent and accepting of violence wherever they are; they will not be less violent anywhere if they cannot be less violent everywhere.
could the U$ govt be smoking – gasp – HYPOCRISY?
Freaking brilliant.
SupraRealistic! <3
“The greatest purveyor of violence in the world : My own Government, I can not be Silent.” —Martin Luther King Jr.
It’s absurd to think that attitudes of the general population can be magically altered merely by crossing imaginary lines drawn by States, their borders usually established by bloody conflict.
Americans are violent and accepting of violence wherever they are; they will not be less violent anywhere if they cannot be less violent everywhere.