HUCK, etc. Launched on Patreon!

I just dropped the first 3 panels of my new comic strip, HUCK, etc., on my Patreon Page! For $5 a month you can join in the fun, satiated by the knowledge that every cent I make goes to the crafting of the finest dick jokes this side of Buddy Hackett. Dig it!

HUCK, ETC. Strip Released on Patreon!

That’s right! I will be launching my Huck, etc. strip on Wednesday (April 22nd) as an exclusive to my patrons on Patreon for just $5 a month! What, again, is Huck, etc.? It’s an animated comedy show – or it will be, once the right Hollywood weasels get a load of these strips! – for […]

Kirkus Review of New Mr. Fish Book!

Despite the fact that the book won’t be out until July 7th, a review of Long Story Short: Turning Famous Books into Cartoons has just been posted by Kirkus Reviews! Check it out here and pre-order the book here. After all, Kirkus has been around since the 1930s and would never steer you wrong. Dig […]