The Resurrection

A couple years ago I did a cartoon that offended practically everybody who looked at it.  Even the radicals who I knew – a rabble of loud-mouthed nihilists unlikely to blanch even at the inappropriate touching of their own puppy-holding, kitten-kissing inner children – were visibly irked by the drawing I showed them.  Posted on the blog I maintained for the LA Weekly, drawing no comments from readers, and then buried in the site’s archive, which has since been deleted permanently, it seemed to stand as just another example of Mr. Fish not knowing when to quit.  Since then, however, I’ve received several emails asking of the cartoon’s whereabouts, most recently on the Saturday before Easter.  So, in the spirit of the holiday, I decided to yank this notoriously unpopular outlaw from his crypt and allow him the glory of getting to move among the living once again, this time – at least for some – as Mr. “We’re-all-going-to-Hell” Popularity.



  1. “If we are dumb, then Gawd is dumb (and a little ugly on the side).”
    –Frank Zappa

  2. Truly multi-level bizarre- brilliant!

  3. Oh yeah! That’s what I’m talking about. I love his little pee pee.

  4. one picture worth a thousand books…

  5. How can you resurrect someone that they won’t let die…..I am talking about Disney here?

  6. dr corky says that is one sex-ay god
    dr corky want to see full sex-ay picture of mr. fish sistine chapel

  7. I think the real God would find this immensely funny.

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