1. HA – chazster – good one.

    People — the Israeli’s committed an international war crime – period. The Palestinians throwing rocks and false flag impotent home made rockets does not give justification to Israeli destruction of homes, olive groves and human beings. For G_d’s sake – 😉 – stop reading Israeli propaganda and taking it as truth. Wake up. Fascists are Fascists and crimes against humanity are crimes against humanity. There is no ‘war’ in Palestine – there is only the slow genocide of the Palestinian people and an open air prison that would have made the Nazi’s a happy ‘The Fat Cat’… they had no idea they could have pulled off what the Israeli’s are pulling off right now.

  2. My first reaction if ever confronted with the IDF anywhere anytime would be to fight like hell, with anything I could get my hands on. The IDF and all the ppl calling the shots in Israel are a buch of dickhead fascists who don’t deserve to be defended.

  3. A big fan of Clowncrak (but not of Netanayhu) as always, but I don’t get this one…. It seems to me that Israel (and Egypt, by the way) has a right to blockade as long as the Palestinians of Gaza maintain the objective and the ‘sacred right to destroy the Israeli state and all of the Jews, are supported by the Iranians, the North Koreans, the backward looking Turks and other declared enemies of the West. Also, the Israelis feed them and supply medicines and medical help as well as other necessary help. But I still don’t get the cartoon – a first for me.

    1. Holy crap cakes. “the Israelis feed them and supply medicines and medical help as well as other necessary help”!?!? Gaza is a 140 square mile open air concentration camp. Sure Hamas wants to destroy Israel and Israel wants to destroy any Palestinian state. It’s a horrible war. But those people who were murdered on that boat were not soldiers, the murders were. Btw, I think it Netty shooting his shrink.

      1. It seems there were some soldiers or at least trained men on the boat to receive the israelis, some of whom were killed. At least that is what some witnesses say. I would find it hard to believe that ordinary peace loving demonstrators would fight uniformed armed Israeli commandos. However, I am ready to look at evidence of one sort and another and to listen to witnesses. So far, Israeli stories ring more true.

        1. Hey Another Fish – there are many resources where you might find credible evidence to contradict your assumption that Israel acted in any way nobly in the flotilla incident, beginning with the International Red Cross (http://www.ifrc.org/docs/news/pr10/4010.asp) and ending with the most succinct and basic statement coming from Noam Chomsky (http://chomsky.info/articles/20100602.htm). Additionally, the fact that the Israeli government refuses to allow any international investigation of the facts surrounding the killings should arouse some suspicion of wrongdoing on the part of Israel.

          And to touch on your point about the activists resisting the Israeli commandos (thereby proving somehow that, rather than being activists, they must’ve been trained soldiers), I ask that you apply a bit of simple logic to the scenario and place yourself in the position of those on the boat: you are in international waters and suddenly boarded in the dark by masked soldiers rappelling from helicopter gunships and carrying rifles. The boarding, itself, and the provocative actions of the aggressors acting in contempt of international law is the crime that you are suddenly made to react to. If I were in my bathroom and taking a predawn crap with my pants down around my ankles and somebody suddenly burst through my window from a helicopter and stuck a gun in my face chances are my initial reaction might be to stab at their armor with the angry end of my toothbrush, the whole time screaming like a girl – does that make me fucking Josey Wales? Does that make me a terrorist?

          If you find that particular analogy unsatisfying, simply ask what was discovered on the Mavi Marmara after it was captured by the Israelis. Answer: 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid. In other words, the stuff of peace, not the stuff of war.

          1. A slippery slope Mr. Fish — Next you’ll be saying that there is ‘credible evidence’ that the Gulf of Tonkin never happened.

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