1. Don’t get feeling too good when the reviewer has to look up raison d’être!

  2. Fish, you must be out carousing this week. Where are the cartoons? What, are the debt ceiling and downgrade not cartoon worthy enough for you? Or are you just waiting for the entire thing to collapse before you pick up your crayons again?

  3. Hmmm…but as a ‘how-to’ book yours is apparently a failure: I don’t see much contempt having been won from these reviewers!

  4. Go Booth…. Go Fish!!!!

  5. Outstanding!

    it’s the quantity…it’s the irony that counts.
    peace. box

    1. should have been: ‘it’s NOT the quantity”….more coffee, please…

  6. How come Paul Krugman has hundreds of commenters every blog post and you have one, two or three ? Your work is at least as valuable. Don’t get a swelled head. just keep up the good work. One day you will have hundreds commenting too. Nice review…….

  7. Deeply Disturbed….Yes !!! GO FISH

  8. Deeply disturbed….Yes ! GO FISH

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