1. Mr Obama a «Fascist Warmonger Wall Street Sell Out» ? If so, as William Blum indicates in the latest number of his Anti-Empire Report (http://killinghope.org/bblum6/aer106.html), it not only goes way back, but also seems to run in the family….


  2. Dear Barack O’Nixon: Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me…. Who gives a fuck at this point – you’ll go down in history as just another Fascist Warmonger Wall Street Sell Out. Kiss My Ass and don’t bother asking for my vote, you New World Order Corporate Police State Supporting Brain Washed, Brain Dead MoFo… Take your American Exceptionalism and shove it. And now, here’s Tom with the weather.

  3. Incoming! It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no wait…it’s Obama playing “American Drones” with Malia and Sasha again. Michelle told them 15 minutes ago, to go outside and do “double Dutch” practice with her, but for some reason the Commander in Chief said it wouldn’t be safe ’til he could land them “safely.”

    What’s so funny ’bout peace, love and understanding?

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