1. a ponderer’s Banksy.

  2. For Aristotle, in order to feel the highest form of philia for another, one must feel it for oneself; the object of philia is, after all, “another oneself”.


    pedo ego philia

    The love of one, with an immature childlike ego, for others who also have childlike immature egos?

    Gilda Radner said, approximately, in a humorous vein, but deadpan while in character, “I was determined to become a leader so I went looking for followers and found myself.” [myself, the follower]

    So must the Army recruiter feel in his search for innocent persuadable children, such as he is, to render to the institutional weaponization of the soul.


    1. Dead on.

  3. Fish: Admit it. I can’t seem to figure out what “pedogophilia” means.

    Your wordplay twists my little brain.

    Keep it up!

  4. Good one, Fish.

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