1. After reding the comic (Brilliant BTW & far to rare) I knew I had to check out the comments section out morbid curiosity. But instead of the usual cut & paste clone war I’ve come to expect when it comes to this subject, I find… Actual intelligent and informative words_______ forgive me I’m still a bit dazed from the shock. Thank You fellow commenters.

  2. As is widely – but perhaps not widely enough (?) – known, the term «Semitic» was first introduced by Ludwig Schlözer in the 18th century to refer to a group of languages related to Hebrew, e g, Arabic, Arameic, etc, etc, and distinguished from the group of so-called «Indo-European» languages, one of which we employ here. It later was applied also to individuals who spoke these languages and still later, most often in the term so beloved by the Hasbara establishment, i e, «anti-Semite», to anyone said to be against Jews – or rather, who dares to criticise the policies of the Israeli government. Thus, if I consider, as I do, the policies of the Israeli government towards the inhabitants of the so-called «occupied territories» as criminal, I can be called an «anti-Semite», despite the fact that as Ibrahim Khider points out, it is rather these policies themselves, carried out against the Palestinian inhabitants of these territories, who are Semites (i e, speak a Semtic language), which are anti-Semitic. If a Jew questions these policies, he or she is excoriated as being a «self-hating Jew» ; in other words, to be a Jew who is not «self-hating», one has to be a Fascist. Mondo cane (another Indo-European language), indeed !…


  3. I fucking love it – Thanks for being a truth-teller, Mr. Fish.

  4. Semite: Member of an ancient group of people including Hebrews, Arabs, Phoenicians, Assyrians etc.. -The Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology, Robert K. Barnhart, 1988. The H.W. Wilson Company, USA.

    Semite: a member of any of the people who speak or spoke a Semitic language including in particular Jews and Arabs. – Oxford Dictionary, 2010. Oxford University Press. New York.

    Though some will think Semite is exclusive to Jews, Arabs, among others, are Semites too. I am amused when Israelis call Palestinians anti-Semetic, while they literally and figuratively continue to obliterate Palestine and Palestinians. Who’s the anti-Semite here?

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