1. Maybe this piece means that whatever the terrorists point was scrambled by the act.

  2. On the day we lost our towers of trade and fellow citizens we lost our freedom of speech and many more freedoms. Was the trade worth it?

  3. clown sheep and vicious wolf? and the beat goes on……i’m always just on the edge of understanding, gets very frustrating.

  4. Stealing when we should have been buying.

    Stealing from the neighborhood kids may be easy at first, but then the kids grow up and it gets more difficult, dangerous, and expensive as they grow up.

    At some point all the weapons we use on them, they will learn to use on us.

  5. So sad. Tremendous heartbreaking work Fish. This piece is the only revisiting of the only true terror, the terror of the victims and their families I will be doing today.

    Peace on Earth.

  6. America’s “elected officials” certainly weren’t speechless – The Patriot Act and illegal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were prepared well in advance of 9/11. America’s “elected officials” created the 9/11 National Mythological Narrative that has been continuously hammered into the minds of American citizens by our corporatized media and criminal federal government. The resulting mass psychosis has allowed and enabled the US to become the most militarized rogue terrorist nation in the history of the world.

    1. Everything you say here is truth, but it doesn’t give the families back their loved ones.

      Just for a day, why can’t it be about them?

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