1. Too bad. I guess you didn’t see a ballot. The US is changing and you and your fan club don’t see it yet.

    1. You’re missing the point. The cartoon is not a literal ballot. It’s a metaphor for the choice presented by the media. The third parties are marginalized. They gain legitimacy through a percentage of the vote, they can only gain a percentage of the vote if they are perceived as legitimate.

  2. Amerika: Land of GMO Milk and Honey, Fluoride, Infinite Bullshit, and the best False Dichotomy Politics that money can buy.

  3. Can somebody tell me how the establishment pundits like Wolf Blitzer maintain such hardons for meaningless poll numbers and stats? Do they take so much pride in their crucial roll in diverting the public from real politics that it outweighs any self reflection? I don’t think I could carry on at such a hollow job for so long no matter how much I was being paid which leads me to believe most of the corporate lapdogs actually buy what they’re selling.

  4. ….and the only way to vote is to jump through head first through the square. Fantastic, Mr. Fish.

  5. Ahhhh, Fish. I had to go away, I had to. After being nearly killed by election coverage debris for 2 solid years for the run up to this day, i’m out of my bunker for the superstorm of bullshit. I’m a stalwart soul, but obviously Obama and Romney and wonks and pundits made it all too much. I actually think my health suffered!

    But in one fell swoop of your editorializing you rankled me back in on Election Day to say….OH HELL NO! Neither of these two deserve my vote. Am I throwing my vote away by choosing someone that speaks to my brain, heart and soul if I don’t vote for one of these tools? OH HELL NO. Did I personally hand the election to Romney by not voting Democratic? OH HELL NO.

    Peace Prize my ass. 47%. What an asshole.

    I’ll vote my, wait for it….conscience thank you very much.

    What’s so funny ’bout peace love and understanding?

  6. Excellent, Mr. Fish.

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