1. So you’re sayin’ there’s a chance (that the wind to the left might save us)?

  2. This event sponsored by the Federal Reserve™

  3. In the case of the US, anti-imperialists have been lying at the bottom of that cliff ever since the heyday of the Anti-Imperialist League well over a century ago….


  4. We need a Free Bradley Manning Movement….
    Great cartoon – how about some animation ….
    I’d like to see the boom at the bottom….
    Just a suggestion …..

  5. Great, Mr.Fish.

    Looks like we keep going over cliff after cliff while Mr. Moneybags gets bailed out with a golden parachute.

    The young Woodrow Wilson:

    ” Since trade ignores national boundaries and the manufacturer insists on having the world as a market, the flag of his nation must follow him, and the doors of the nations that are close against him must be battered down.”

  6. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

    I think the coverage (or lack there of) on Bradley Manning fits perfectly into the pro-human rights cliff too.

    Thank you.

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