Half-Price Sale!

Own a piece of history by taking possession of what many comics and commentative art scholars consider to be the best editorial cartoon of the 20th Century!  For a limited time (specifically, until August 27th), the original art for Mr. Fish’s most famous cartoon, Can I Have a Grant?, is being offered at half its retail value by the Robert Berman Gallery in Santa Monica, CA.  Priced both to serve the subject matter of the cartoon and to enable the artist to relocate back to sunny California with a brand new haircut, this is an opportunity that is hard to pass up, particularly if you’re loaded with cash and in the final throes of existential neurasthenia where you suddenly look around, lowering the bendy straw protruding from Liza Minnelli’s left pump and wipe the Roofie-infused clam chowder from your lips while Leonardo DiCaprio shaves his taint with a conch shell ashtray in front of a 94″ plasma screen television looping nut shot fails, and wonder what the fuck it all means, anyway.  This is an investment that could save your goddamn soul!

Plus, the value of this cartoon is guaranteed to at least triple in market price once the cartoonist drops dead, which could happen any day now, given how erratically he approaches stairs and escalators in Chuck Taylor sneakers that should have been thrown away in 1999.

Anyway, contact the gallery for details and shipping.  Onward!
