1. Young people in the sixties, facing the draft, didn’t know if there would be a future for them.

    Doubting the future, some will see less reason to plan for the future, and more reason break from the restraints of cultural norms in getting a taste of what they will be denied otherwise.

    Recognition of an impending doomsday might induce a wild, live-for-today, ungovernable surge against the usurpers of their natural born right to a life.

    1. I expect more from you Glenn.

  2. “Why won’t anyone acknowledge me?”

    It may be because you just don’t fit the bill.

    I am an inspired genius. I gave all my money to Bill Gates. I live in a humble home. I feed my precious grandchildren junk food produced by family owned companies that I recently bought.

  3. Hahahaha…spot on!

  4. Doomsday ? Are you sure, Dwayne ? I thought it was merely business as usual – i e, threats of and preparation for war – in that shining city on a hill….


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