In San Francisco the Weekend After This One?

Come hang out we me and director Pablo Bryant on May 5th for a screening of his cock and commentary-filled documentary, Mr. Fish: Cartooning from the Deep End, about one man’s decision to drop out of college and to get fired from every crappy job he’s ever had because he thinks that precariously balancing his whole future on the point of a pencil is a neat trick.  Dig it!



  1. Cool! So looking forward to this. Not so laid back in Marin these days, but anywhere in Mt.Tam’s shadow is pretty spectacular. Sure this isn’t some kind of honey pot trap to capture and reeducate otherwise intelligent Chomskyites? Beware the soothing neoliberal Kool Aid, but feel free to say yes to everything else while there. Cheers.

  2. Hee….!

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