Fish and Bryant on Face2Face

Here is the conversation Pablo and I had with the Dick Cavett of Canadian podcasts, David Peck, while we were in Toronto for the international premiere of Mr. Fish: Cartooning from the Deep End.  The show is called Face2Face and while we were never really face to face during the interview, we were definitely shoulder to shoulder in our mutual contempt of monied assholes and the complicit enablers of Judgmental Day.  Dig it.


1 comment

  1. People work their asses off to one day be free of exploitation. Some, a very small percentage, are liberated through some win, like cashing in on betting against the housing market in 2007. And then they lose their humanity and move into a gated community and count their 10 million lucky stars they don’t have to feel exploited any more. Some of these people have developed work ethics, sociological tics you might say, ass wiping compulsions that keep them in a mental state of fear that has them at the toilet of toiling ambition, a place where a Bill Gates or a Mark Z keep wiping their mental asses with a rag to be sure not the slightest bit of brown stuff makes it into their life. These are the psychopaths and decendants of paychopaths live avoiding all manner of trouble, white trash and darker humor.

    People’s Court. Hang ’em.

    Forgive me Buddha. Forgive me Pablo. Forgive for Father for I have sinned.

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