1. iDie Endlösung – now for a new group, raises its ugly head again. We, who at the end of WW II naively thought the revelations of the horrors of Nazism and Fascism meant that the world had been permanently inoculated against these vicious ideologies, have, alas, been proved wrong….


  2. You are one of my heroes Fish, along with Roger Waters and John Trudell (deceased, and hoping he’s coming back soon to rejoin the fray).

    1. Great company to keep!

  3. Make that America First, “American made beautiful Caterpillar Israeli Armored CAT D9” bulldozers.

    America must spare no innocent lives when selling weaponized construction machines to make American profits.

    1. I hope this revision will be read as satirical in the voice of Trump.

      Sometimes, since the death of satire, it’s hard to tell because there are people who really think this way.

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