Mr. Fish Doc Now Available on iTunes!

Mr. Fish: Cartooning from the Deep End is NOW AVAILABLE on iTunes!

That’s right, Pablo Bryant’s epic adventure of one man’s inability to maintain a consistent haircut while facing down the vulgarities of weaponized political mediocrity with little more than a fistful of pencils and a pocket full of dreams can finally be seen in the privacy of your own home, with the blinds drawn and the doors locked – the viewing experience, of course, fitting somewhere between nose-picking and vomit porn.  Skip It’s a Wonderful Life this holiday season and show the family something that will leave them with the sobering realization that life isn’t so wonderful, after all!

Also, you can delight in the fact that as I write this Bryant is behind the scenes wrestling with the Facebook censors – which I like to visualize as a single, medium-sized bear with capped teeth, expensive sunglasses and who is covered in motor oil – who are blocking his attempt to share news of the release with an ad because of their new political guidelines, which equate to:  political satire cannot be advertised unless its claim of encouraging critical thinking can be removed and replaced with a promise to potential consumers of clearer skin, a bigger penis or more money in the fucking bank.  Ain’t Amurkan FREE SPEECH™ neato?

Here’s the iTunes link for buying or renting the film, which is currently at 100% on Rotten Tomatoes – that’s 77 percentage points better than Meatballs II, just in case you were looking for a gauge.

Dig it.
