1 comment

  1. Very much enjoyed these 2 bits of Fish talk:

    “You don’t have to be an artist to recognize how straight society insists on your detachment, as a human being, from the process. (with regard to the blatant racism and the cartoon Fucking Assho…)”

    “that’s the thing that can be so powerful about satire and joke making is that really, so often, all it is is saying the most obvious truth about something, you know, because society is governed, as I said earlier, by the concept that you have to be polite, that being impolite is to say the wrong thing at the right time, and to communicate a truth about an injustice in the most obvious way. It’s so funny to me that it’s read as a joke and a great gag. It’s really, …, the stuff we’re talking about and the subject of those cartoons are not laughable.”

    One can see the fascinating complexion of your logic. It’s that the humor arises somewhat anti-intentionally, as a byproduct of anger about injustice. Lov ‘in it.

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