Mr. Fish’s Big Graphic Novel Announcement!

In 10 days, Mr. Fish will be releasing the first chapter of his brand-new, super-spectacular graphic novel, For Christ’s Sake, exclusively to his $5 Patreon subscribers!  

What is this book about?  Well, let me pitch it this way:

What if Jesus hadn’t been born in Judea 2000 years ago and hadn’t grown up to be the Prince of Peace and the very essence of compassion, mercy and tolerance to millions of people all over the world?  What if, instead, he was born in Roxborough, Pennsylvania, in 2004 and was now 14-years-old and, like every other 14-year-old, thought that school was boring, that his air guitar was epic, that his parents were idiots, and that the whole world was against him? 

What if he just wanted to be left alone so he could choose his own path, control his own destiny and follow his own dreams, to hell with everybody else’s expectations?  Specifically, what if he didn’t want to take over PR for his Dad’s celestial ministry and inherit all the woe and bullshit of humanity forever and ever?  And what if he didn’t want to learn how to make a biscuit joint or find out what an ogee or a stacked dado head was from his carpenter stepfather, Joe, who wanted him to take over the family’s furniture business?  How much longer, he wondered, was he going to have to listen to his mother’s incessant nagging for him to cut his hair, to bring up his grades and to volunteer at the Beth Tikvah-B’nai Jeshurun Temple just so he could one day marry a nice Jewish girl with good birthing hips from Elkins Park and become a pharmacist with Maalox in his beard and a timeshare in Port St. Lucie?

Specifically, how was this Jesus ever going to inspire all of humanity to radically oppose prejudice, brutality and injustice and to conquer hate with love and violence with pacifism when, instead of the Septuagint and the Hebrew Old Testament motivating his actions, he had Blink 182 and whatever wisdom he could glean from glumly reading off the back of a Frosted Flakes cereal box every morning

All the answers are in For Christ’s Sake!

So, dear readers, let’s begin the countdown!  You have 10 days to subscribe to my Patreon page at only $5 (or more!) a month to gain access to something new and unique to the Fish canon!  Your support will permit me to actually complete the novel over the next 12 months, while I fulfill my regular contrarian duties as a brutal cartoonist.  Pledging more will give you access to signed original drawings and sketches from the For Christ’s Sake production.  (I will likely rework the tier descriptions on Patreon over the next week to detail exactly what I will be offering as further incentives – one of the higher contributions will have me drawing you into the comic, itself!)

Anyway, I wanted to start the clock on this and encourage you to subscribe, if you haven’t already.  It’s going to be a fantastic fucking year!
