1. WOW! Back off of David Sommers. Every word he wrote is TRUTH. Might be an inconvenient, squirmy, uncomfortably sickening feeling watching our rights die off in exactly the way David wrote and Fish portrayed but ya’ll need to check out what’s really going on in this country. If you need more info about it, I’d ask David.

    I’d also very kindly suggest you take your heads out of your asses. Just a suggestion.

    You’re going to have to serve somebody…I serve Fish!
    What’s so funny ‘bout peace, love and understanding. WORD! (Even if it’s an outdated word.)

  2. No Dave, tell the truth even though it doesn’t mean shit! And what does lighten up even mean? Shut-up, or mix in a few uplifting untruths, commonly called white lies?

    1. Right on, sister!

  3. The phrase looks and sounds good and in reality it is almost nonexistent in our world where speech is the same as money. Thanks in part to Citizens United and elimination of the Fairness Doctrine, the loudest voice in the room gets most of the speech. Elimination of Net Neutrality and computer search algorithms which filter speech erode the concept even more. Paid lobbyist are the voices which direct public and financial policy. We will have free speech again in the ugliest of times to come. This will happen when the climate has decimated most of the human population and other species. Money will be worthless and electrons will no longer push thoughts through wires and air. Anyone left will have freedom of speech In the truest form. I hope the surviving have-nots use their free speech when they storm the walls of the compounds and bunkers the formerly wealthy. May they write the phrase Freedom of Speech on the rocks that they will use to crush the skulls of the people who took it from them.

    1. Lighten up, Dave.

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