1. That’s a Great White!

    Very nice Fish. I guess this makes you a fan of Spielberg. He is very talented of course, like you. I love your artistic work. Amazing. And Spielberg is just as amazing.

    You suffered a hard early life, as explained in your biographical movie. I know suffering myself. I cannot describe in words the fear I experienced as a child. I won’t go into the details here.

    Spielberg had an interesting trial himself. I found this on Wikipedia:

    His father had lost between sixteen and twenty relatives in the Holocaust. Spielberg found it difficult accepting his heritage; he said: “It isn’t something I enjoy admitting … but when I was seven, eight, nine years old, God forgive me, I was embarrassed because we were Orthodox Jews. I was embarrassed by the outward perception of my parents’ Jewish practices. I was never really ashamed to be Jewish, but I was uneasy at times.” Spielberg also suffered from anti-Semitism: “In high school, I got smacked and kicked around. Two bloody noses. It was horrible.” He grew away from Judaism during adolescence, after his family had moved to various neighborhoods and found themselves to be the only Jews.

    Of course this is nothing compared to the suffering of war victims.

    Fish, we lose people here, you know?

    1. @Gerard So committing genocide against people who had nothing to do with the Shoah is obviously the way to fight anti-Semitism. Waving the Shoah and Judaism as a passport to oppress and mass exterminate, that’s your take-away here?

      1. beak, I don’t think I’d use those terms. but to go with your lead here, and please give me a little slack, what I’m seeing is a Big Fish in the water who is about to devour the little guy. To make an analogy, of course, Trump is the Shark. He’s the Great White. The little guy, of course, is Biden and the Democratic Party. Spielberg is the descendent of Russian Jews, and he is afraid for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren on the West Coast. Spielberg applied to USC, but was rejected. Robert Scheer teachers at USC. Robert Scheer is also afraid for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Neither Spielberg nor Scheer want to see their children’s chidren’s children live in a kind of pre-WW1 Germany. Fish, he’s just trying to save children in Gaza, but would do the same in 1941 Poland. Fish is Oskar Schindler here. I don’t know what Hedges is. Well intentioned?

        1. With Israelis live streaming the genocide, the world watches the blatant, callous, mass murder unfold. The Hague is threatened by the US with invasion if Israelis are held to account for their actions. Germany is ‘all in’ on Israel, vicariously enjoying the live streams. While the world witnesses the absence of justice and the complete failure of institutions to hold criminals to account, what do you think will happen? History does not repeat, but it does rhyme. The best way to secure the future is to prevent injustice anywhere, not to perpetrate on an industrial scale… as certain countries collude. If Israel is armed to the teeth and they need to rely on guns and bombs to exist, you know their powers of persuasion are weak.

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