
Fuck Truthdig – it’s dead! It’s been stripped of all its talent and integrity and will likely relaunch as a benign sloganeering warehouse of the sort of tacky faux-progressive platitudes one is loathe to find on MSNBC subscription tote bags and the overpriced refrigerator magnets at Jeff Bezos’ Ass-Wholier-Than-Thou-Foods; ideas that are fully Botoxed into […]

Let’s Drink a Toast!

I got my advance copies of NOBODY LEFT yesterday and the book looks beautiful! It may be the book I’m most proud of writing – full of lewdness, accusatory rants and high hilarity. The official release date remains at 6/23, but you can pre-order the thing from Fantagraphics at any point – fuck Amazon! Stay […]


Mr. Fish silkscreens are NOW AVAILABLE in the CLOWNCRACK SHOP! They are big and beautiful and signed and numbered, like all proper silkscreens should be. They are also limited editions, so get ’em while I got ’em. There are 5 images to choose from and each is a different size, so do pay attention to […]

A Cure for the COVID-19 Blues!

Fuck this pandemic! Sure, it can make us all shut-ins, but it can’t rob us of our natural inclinations towards seeking out dirty pictures and inappropriate content when bored and all alone. That said, now is the time to rent (or buy!) Pablo Bryant’s award-winning documentary, Mr. Fish: Cartooning from the Deep End. Thrilling to […]