Here’s the update from Amelia: March 13, 2020 Truthdig Publisher Shuts Out Editors and Writers Participating in Work Stoppage  Media contact: Amelia Pang (202)-677-8132 Email: Friday marked the third day of work stoppage for 16 members of Truthdig’s editorial team – including senior editors, columnists and copy desk staff – to protest unfair labor conditions and […]


For those of you who missed it, this is what the front page of Truthdig looked like before the publisher did the online version of calling in her thugs with the blackjacks and fire hoses. The strike announcement is right below the HIGH STANDARDS MAKE TRUTHDIG A TRUSTED SOURCE donation tab, which is perfect. Luckily, […]


THIS was just posted on Truthdig. Guessing that it will be taken down soon by the publisher, but wanted to give my fans a chance to chime in on the site. Dig it – quickly! Here’s the copy, just in case it disappears from Truthdig before you get the chance to see it: This letter […]

Average Joe

This is another example of a cartoon that, because of its satirical use of inflammatory language, has been passed on by every single so-called liberal and progressive online newspaper and magazine in the country.  I’ve given up trying to remind the Fourth Estate of its many responsibilities to the First Amendment, which should include its […]